Resident FAQs
Answers to your frequently asked questions
Access the Resident Portal Login that includes important documents, statements, auto ePayments, maintenance claims, and direct communication with the Property Manager. We have also provided an additional Resident Resources Page to help with your residency.
New Resident Frequently Asked Questions
Emergency! What should I do?
In case of Emergency call 911. If not requiring immediate medical or fire services, call the 24/7 Maintenance Line at 866-349-6072 if you experience any of the following:
- Any water leak or heavy moisture
- Sewer backups and clogs are a tenants responsibility. There could be a charge involved.
- Electrical hazards of any kind
- Storm damage. Downed trees, fences, etc
- Snow/ice removal in public area
- Fire
- Broken windows or doors impacting occupants' security and safety
- No water
- No heat
- All other "non-emergency" items must be reported via Resident Portal
How do I set up automatic payments?
Sign in to your tenant portal located on the Resident Tab above. Click the top orange link titled Setup Payment Account. Using information off of a check from the bank account you want to use to pay rent, enter the requested information. Click Save. Then click “Schedule” to automate your payments. -
How do I Put in a Maintenance Request?
Sign into your tenant portal and click New Service Request- providing pictures and as much detail as possible will help us resolve the issue quickly and with less impact on you, your family, and your schedule. If you do not have access to the internet, you may call 866-349-6072. -
Rent Due Date
Rent is due on the FIRST of the month and is considered late on the third. Please note that Bill Pay through your online bank still mails us a check. If the check is not received by the first, a late fee will be assessed. -
How do I access a community mailbox?
Take your Lease to the local Post Office and they will issue you the key to your box. To locate and print a copy of your lease, sign into your tenant portal. -
NSF Check or Electronic Payment Declined
The NSF (non-sufficient funds) fee is $75 and is due regardless of the reason. TierOne Real Estate has the right to request certified funds from that day forward. You will be given 48 hours to make the payment good prior to further legal action being pursued. -
Payment after the 3rd
If rent is still unpaid by the 3rd, TierOne Real Estate will begin eviction proceedings. Once this has started, rent will not be accepted without all of the late fees and administration fees being brought current in certified funds only. No Personal Checks will be accepted if eviction proceedings have begun. -
Remitting rent by US Mail
You may always mail your rent. We will accept payments by mail from our residents with a warning. Sending payments via mail incurs risk as you are relying on a government agency to deliver something that could cost you dearly if they make a mistake. If the payment is not received until after the 1st of the month, the tenant may be responsible for late fees. We encourage all tenants to pay electronically. -
What is the Electronic Convenience Fee?
TierOne Real Estate charges a $3 convenience fee to pay their rent online via the tenant portal. We feel this is the smartest, easiest, and safest way to pay rent. It will save you the cost of a stamp, an envelope, and show exactly when you pay rent. -
How do I determine what is Emergency Maintenance?
Emergency defined: Anything relating to the property under the lease that is threatening to life, health, or the property. Fire (please call 911), flood, sewage back-ups, gas odors (please call gas company), broken water pipes, trees falling on the house. The Following are NOT Emergencies: Refrigerator out, locking yourself out of the house, power or gas off, a/c out and the property has two (2) a/c units, oven not working, water heater out. These issues may be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and aggravating, but they are not emergencies. -
Can I schedule maintenance after normal business hours?
Yes, But... If you schedule with the contractor after normal business hours, you will need to pay any afterhours premium charges. Our contractors work normal business hours and are only available after hours for true emergencies. -
Who is responsible for pest control?
The tenant is responsible for their own pest control for bugs. We strongly recommend you use a licensed pest control company to manage pests rather than doing it yourself. If you need assistance connecting with a pest control company, we can refer you to the one we use. Tenants can review the pest control policy in your lease. -
Can I contact the Owner?
TierOne Real Estate is your management company and will be your only contact during your tenancy. If someone calls or shows up at your door claiming to be the owner (or agent representing the owner or lender), you should be suspicious and not invite them into the home. Do not assume they are who they say they are. Protect yourself at all times from people who claim to have some authority over the property. If the owner is planning on doing a walk thru at your home, you will be notified well in advance. If someone shows up to your door claiming to be someone wanting to enter the property without you being notified, do not let them in and refer them to us for permission. -
Am I required to keep the utilities on?
Failure to keep utilities on (and bills paid) during your stay may result in a default in your lease. Never turn the heat or air conditioning off during your vacations, especially during cold weather. When utilities are off, there is an increased possibility for burst water pipes, mold, break-ins, etc. Keep garage doors closed during cold snaps, as garages often do not have the insulation houses do and pipes freeze easily. Keep utilities on at all times. -
I've been notified of a walk-through. What is this about?
It is the policy of TierOne Real Estate to do an annual walk thru to include a third-party assessment of the home. In some cases, an owner may require a bi-annual assessment to be completed. These arrangements will be made with you far in advance with appointments scheduled. This should only take less than 30 minutes. We would request that you be present. We are not there to address housekeeping, but to access property issues and report to the owner regarding any deferred maintenance they need to address. We’ve done hundreds of these over the years and understand your concern for privacy. This will also be a time to point out any concerns you may have with the home so it can be documented at that time. -
My Smoke Detector is chirping. What should I do?
We will count smoke detectors at your move-in to make sure there is one on every level of the home and one in every bedroom to comply with the Utah Property Code. You are responsible for keeping good batteries and replacing batteries as needed in all smoke detectors. Let us know if they do not work after attempting to change batteries. -
Can I add a pet?
Many owners will allow pets and some will not. You can have pets with written permission and a pet deposit. If you bring in an unauthorized pet, no matter who the pet belongs to, no matter how long they have been there, we assume you had it the day you moved in and you will pay penalties and daily rates listed in the lease. -
Am I responsible for the lawn?
In most circumstances, the tenant will maintain their own yard. One of the differences you have when renting a house (as compared to a townhome or apartment) is you are responsible for lawn care unless there is an agreement between the tenant and TierOne Real Estate that the landlord will maintain the yard. Refer to the lease as to who has responsibilities for the lawn care. -
Can I have my friend move in?
Subletting is when you move another person in to share the rent (without adding them to the lease) or move out of the home and let someone else pick up the rent. There is no subletting allowed without company written approval. Fines for violations are stiff. We need to approve all adult residents living in the property. If one of the current tenants or occupants on the lease needs to move out, coordinate this action with TierOne Real Estate. Do NOT sublet to another tenant or occupant without written permission from TierOne Real Estate. We have a procedure to add a renter to the lease. Contact us first! -
My lease is getting close to ending. What should I do?
Your lease automatically renews on a month to month basis at the end of the lease term unless one of us notifies the other in writing of our intent to terminate the tenancy. If you do nothing, your lease will automatically renew on a month to month basis. We do not allow this under normal circumstances without permission from TierOne Real Estate. We track all of our lease renewals and will begin to contact tenants 90 days from lease expiration to find out your intentions of either renewing the lease or vacating the home. Notices to Vacate must be in writing per the lease agreement. Letters, emails to our staff are marginally accepted. Your safest bet is to notify us of your lease termination via the tenant portal and when you are in receipt of the Tenants Renewal Form 90 days out from lease expiration. Be sure you receive a response confirming receipt of your notice.
Vacating Resident Frequently Asked Questions
Can you help me buy a home?
Absolutely. We know the market, and your lease, better than anyone. We've helped several of our tenant clients move toward home ownership. Call us today to talk with your property manager, who is a licensed Realtor, about your options - 801-486-6200. -
How do I handle Utilities
You are responsible for your utilities through the day of the inspection. Contact your utility companies and alert them of your moving date. Notify TierOne Real Estate in writing concerning your last day of occupancy so we can make arrangements to keep them on. Utilities must NOT be turned off prior to the Move-Out Inspection! If utilities are off before the Move-Out Inspection is completed, you will be charged $75 per provider to get them turned back on. Once a date is set for inspection, do not change it unless you have decided to stay in the property. If you move out a day early or a day late, leave the utility change date alone. -
What do I need to clean on the INTERIOR of the home?
1. All personal belongings must be removed from the premises. 2. PAINTING: Please remove all nails – DO NOT PATCH, SPACKLE OR SPOT PAINT NAIL HOLES, or touch up paint without approval. If you paint & it does not match or if you do a poor job of filling holes, you will be charged for necessary painting to match the existing paint or to redo spackling. Charges for painting depend on length of time in the property and whether it exceeds normal wear & tear. 3. CARPET CLEANING: Tenants are required to have the carpets PROFESSIONALY CLEANED at the time of move-out. This must be done after you have completely removed all your belongings and vacated the property. A receipt from a professional carpet cleaning company must be provided to us when you turn in your keys. DO NOT rent machines from a store or use home cleaning machines. Only professional cleaning is acceptable. a. Be sure to have any spot treatments or pet treatments done as needed. If any Odors or Pet Odors re-surfaces after you have vacated the property, the tenant will be responsible for charges incurred to remove the odor. If the cleaning is not done to our satisfaction, tenants will be charged for any additional expense. 4. Clean vinyl, wood and/or tile flooring. Clean and dust all baseboards. 5. Clean or replace Air Conditioner filters with pleated filters as you vacate the home. 6. Walls, baseboards and ceiling must be cleaned and free of cobwebs and lint. 7. Clean fireplace, hearth and mantle, remove ashes and debris. Be sure hot ashes are properly extinguished prior to disposing. 8. Clean ALL wall switch plates and outlet covers. 9. Clean ALL windows inside and out, clean window sills, mini-blinds and vertical slats. 10. Clean mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors with glass cleaner. Clean window and sliding glass door tracks. 11. Clean ceiling fans and light fixtures - Replace burned out or missing light bulbs, be sure to use the correct wattage and type. Replace broken globes. Make sure the ceiling fan blades including the top and light kits are clean. Also check the ceiling surrounding all fans. Often dust has gathered by the fans and adheres to the ceiling. One of the easiest ways to clean this is to lightly sweep the ceiling with a broom. 12. Smoke alarms must be operative. Replace batteries as necessary. 13. Clean ALL closets, storage spaces and shelving free of dust, spider webs and miscellaneous debris. 14. KITCHEN: Clean Kitchen appliances inside and out, replace burned-out light bulbs: a. Clean oven, stove and under drip pans. If the drip pans and rings on the range are not clean and in like-new condition, it would be more economical for you to replace them yourself, rather than to be charged for them. Foil covering drip pans is not acceptable. b. Clean oven/range hood vent including filter. c. Wash out refrigerator and compartments, including freezer. Don’t forget to wash off the top exterior of the refrigerator and clean the rubber gasket around refrigerator and freezer door. Clean bottom vent. d. Clean dishwasher. Run empty dishwasher one last time. Use the normal amount of soap you would use for a full load. Wipe down the gasket and the door and do the surrounding areas. e. Be sure garbage disposal is clean and free of debris. (Do not use fingers to check) Return/replace sink stoppers. f. Clean all countertops, cabinets and drawers. g. Clean all cabinets, inside and out. h. Clean all drawers, inside and out. i. Clean sinks, faucets and countertops. Return stoppers to sink. 15. BATHROOMS: a. Clean counter tops, sink(s), soap dishes, tiles, fixtures, tub and/or showers. Be certain they are free of mold/mildew, soap scum, scale and rust. b. Clean mirrors, light fixtures and medicine cabinets. c. Clean all cabinets and cabinet drawers – inside and out. d. Clean toilets inside and out and remove all lime deposits. Clean toilet seat surfaces, top and bottom. e. Mop or vacuum flooring. 16. Do not use scouring power to clean acrylic or fiberglass tubs. It will ruin the finish -
What do I need to clean on the EXTERIOR of the home
1. Lawns must be neatly mowed and edged, trees and shrubs trimmed or pruned, yard watered and all trash and debris removed. 2. Any animal droppings are to be picked up and disposed of. 3. All trash and garbage must be removed from the premises (including curbside). If you have trash that exceeds the normal pickup, you are to arrange to have it hauled away. 4. Replace damaged screens and windows. 5. Walkways, driveways, patios and garage floors must be cleaned and free of oil, grease and other debris. 6. Repair any pet damage and spot treat carpets as needed with pet deodorizer. 7. Clean outdoor light globe(s), replace burned out or missing light bulbs. -
Do you provide cleaning services?
Yes. After many requests from outgoing tenants and owners, TierOne Real Estate can offer a flat-rate cleaning service for the homes that we manage. This service is offered to both tenants and owners and will include maid service, and professional carpet cleaning. Contact the office for details and pricing. -
When is my Move-Out Inspection?
The landlord is responsible for documenting damages to the property when you move out that will be the basis for charges against your security deposit. This inspection will be done within a few days of you completely vacating the property. We can’t do a complete move out inspection until you have completely vacated, so don’t schedule your inspection until you’re sure when you’ll be totally moved out. If you are not completely out of the home when the inspector arrives, it will cost you money for their return trip. -
Why is there a lockbox on my door?
The lease gives us the right to market the property during the last 30 days of your stay. We will install a lockbox and put a sign in the yard. Courtesy will always drive our showing and calls will always be attempted prior to our showing prospective tenants. If you resist this and try to prevent showings as described in the lease, you will forfeit your security deposit so cooperate with us and we’ll make the transition smooth. -
How do I get my security deposit back?
Our greatest desire is to give you all your security deposit back. You can control this by taking great care of the home during your residency and making sure that it is clean and free of debris for your move out inspection. During the move out inspection we will take your move in inspection and compare it to the current condition of the home. We will have to charge for the items not identified at move in. -
What are maintenance charges to me if all items are not satisfactory at move-out?
We pay maintenance contractors and cleaning companies to do the work. They charge us standard retail rates for quality work. You will pay the cost to repair or replace the item(s) back to the original condition. Save yourself money and return the house to its original condition when you move out. Don’t forget to turn in keys, garage remotes, pool passes, gate passes and mailbox keys! -
Once you have determined the charges for repairs, can I get back in and do it myself?
No. Once we have completed the move-out inspection, you will not be allowed to return to the property. Complete all cleaning and repairs prior to the move-out inspection. -
Where will the security deposit check be mailed?
The deposit will be mailed to the address that you give us in writing. If no address is given in writing within 30 days of lease end, the security deposit will be forfeited per the lease agreement. -
What happens if I accidentally take the garage door remotes?
If the remotes are missing at move-out, we will charge you for them. Because garage door remotes are expensive and some brands are hard to find, we will give you 5 days to return the remotes to our office. If we receive them within 5 days, we will take the charge off the move-out inspection. -
What happens if my deposit is insufficient to pay all I owe?
You must make arrangements to settle up your account within 30 days of your move-out. Every effort will be made to give you time to pay what you owe. Unsettled accounts will be reported to the Credit Bureau and turned over to collection agencies for processing. -
What happens if I am not out the date I expected to be out?
You’re still under the lease and rent is due. Keep utilities on until the move-out inspection to keep from paying any fines. If you do not give us clear instructions (e.g. I am out, you have the property.) we will be slow to enter the property and remove your personal items. If you do not notify us of your change in move-out date, you will incur a $75.00 Trip charge. Please be sure to keep us informed so we know when you are completely out and can take over the property. Your rent stops when we do the move-out inspection, so let us know when you are out. -
What are my responsibilities if I had a pet?
The pet addendum calls for some specific items that you must do at move-out: 1. Have the carpets professionally cleaned and deodorized. Have a receipt ready for TierOne Real Estate when you do your move-out inspection or funds will be withheld to have the carpets cleaned and deodorized. 2. Remove all evidence of the pet. Watch for food dishes, pet hair, leashes, pet waste, holes in the yard, and repair any damage caused by the pet. Owners are particularly sensitive to pet damage, so we will be too. 3. Get rid of all pet related odors. -
How is the security deposit disbursed if there are roommates?
We will disburse the funds according to written instructions signed by all Residents. If all cannot agree, TierOne Real Estate will disburse one check to all Residents on the lease. -
Do I have to be present during the move-out presentation?
No. We understand the difficulties in scheduling time away from your job. Your presence is not required at the move-out. Move-Out Inspections are scheduled Monday through Friday between 9 am and 5 pm, not on holidays or weekends.