Agent Referral
Let us be your Resource in Property Management

Earn up to $500 for each referral while protecting future commissions and helping your clients
How it works
Refer your client - Prior to management agreement signing complete the Agent Referral form to provide your client's information. Be sure to let them know to expect our call.
We contact the client - A member of our team will call your client and review their management options. We'll draw up the paperwork and get started quickly.
We pay you - For every property management customer you refer, we'll pay you 50% of one month's rent or $500. Whichever is greater.
Earn ongoing referral fees - Every time you send a property management customer our way, we'll pay you a referral fee.
Why Refer Clients To Us?
Hold on to your clients - Don't lose out on a future sale; by sending a customer our way, you'll increase your chances of earning a commission in the future. When the time comes to sell, we'll guarantee we'll refer them back to you.
Keep your liability low - Taking on extra liability by providing advice on property management? Keep yourself protected by instead referring your customer's questions to our experienced investment team.
Protect your reputation - Don't play loose and fast with your reputation by working with an inexperienced management group. Our team will work diligently to keep your clients happy and make you look good.
Protect yourself from liability - Every time you take money for managing a property you put yourself at risk. We guarantee we'll refer them back to you for a sale, so don't take the risk of running into the DRE.
Agent Referral PDF